Frequently Asked Questions

Community involvement is the key to the success of this long-range plan. If you have questions or concerns, we want to address them. We’ve compiled the answers to frequently asked questions, but please reach out using the Contact Us tab if these FAQs don’t address what’s on your mind.

What is a Master Plan?
A Master Plan is a comprehensive study of an airport that describes short-, medium-, and long-term development plans. The main goal of a Master Plan is to provide the framework necessary to guide future development that will cost-effectively satisfy aviation demand, while considering potential environmental and socioeconomic impacts. The existing and proposed conditions are graphically represented on the Airport Layout Plan (ALP) that accompanies the Master Plan.

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Advisory Circular 150/5070-6B Airport Master Plans provides guidance for the preparation of airport master plans.

Why is the Airport completing a Master Plan?
The Airport Commission and City of Wisconsin Rapids has initiated a new comprehensive Master Plan to develop a framework for meeting existing user needs and for growth at the new airport over the next 20 years. Focus areas of the Master Plan include terminal building modernization and rehabilitation, hangar development, assessment of Runway 2/20’s length, width, and approach procedures, and crosswind runway evaluation.

A goal of the Master Plan is to consider financial feasibility in each decision made. The plan will include a comprehensive 20-year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) document which will incorporate ISW capital, equipment, and maintenance projects.

Another goal of the Master Plan is to provide flexibility in long-term planning. While growth scenarios and alternatives will be selected, triggering events and scenarios for other needs will be documented and considered throughout.

What are the components of a Master Plan?
The Master Plan process includes the following major components:

  • Stakeholder engagement and public outreach

  • Airside and landside inventory

  • Activity forecasting – based aircraft and aircraft operations (takeoffs and landings)

  • Facility recommendations and alternatives

  • Comprehensive Capital Improvement Planning (CIP)

  • CIP financial feasibility/review of funding sources

  • Airport Layout Plan (ALP)Update

The Master Plan will document the existing conditions, identify future challenges and potential solutions. The Master Plan will position the Airport to accommodate future growth and economic development.

The deliverables of the Master Plan include:

  1. Master Plan Report – The report documents the analysis and conclusions reached during the planning process. The FAA accepts the Master Plan and has approval authority over the forecasts contained within.

  2. Airport Layout Plan (ALP) Sheet Update – A scaled graphical depiction of the existing and proposed airport development included in the Master Plan. This part of the project will document any recommended future development that is not already shown on the ALP completed in 2017.

How can I learn more and get involved?
Project information and updates will be provided throughout the project on this project website. Project updates, meeting agendas and minutes, an events calendar, and review documents will be posted on this site throughout the project. Please see the Contact Us page to sign up for emailed project updates.

We welcome and look forward to the public’s involvement in this process. Project open houses and events will also be posted on this project website.

How is this project funded?
The project is 95% funded by the FAA Airport Improvement Program (AIP) which provides grants to airport sponsors, like the City of Wisconsin Rapids, for planning and development of public-use airports. The State of Wisconsin is funding 2.5% of project costs, and the City of Wisconsin Rapids is funding the remaining 2.5%.

When will the projects identified in the Master Plan be implemented?
The Master Plan will identify projects which may be implemented at varying times as needed over the 20-year planning term. Prior to implementation, each project must undergo additional analysis including environmental review through the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). For some projects, additional environmental permitting may also be needed. Additionally, project funding must be secured for each project prior to implementation. Funding sources may include the FAA, State of Wisconsin, the City of Wisconsin Rapids, and other sources.